5km Course Information

Race Details

DateSaturday 19 October 2024
Registrations Open7:00am
Start Time8:30am
Minimum Age5 Years old on race day, children aged between 5 to 14 must be accompanied with an adult at all times on course
Aid Stations1 on course, 1km
Aid Station SuppliesLollies, Chips, Water* and toilets at 1km
Course Cut-off Time4 hours
Result Categories5km age group categories are for men and women;
Open category 16-39 years
Masters 40-55 years
Veterans 56+years
AwardsAll finishers will receive a finisher medal.

Awards will be presented to the top 3 male and female overall runners and the first finisher of each male and female age group in Running and Walking Categories. The awards will be based on participants gun time.
WalkersA Walkers Category will be available to select when entering. The walking category is for participants who intend to walk the entire course and compete against other walkers. If you intend to run , even for a short distance please register as a runner.

Walkers should start towards the back, behind the runners and keep to the left at all times
Race RulesBicycles, prams, buggies or animals are not permitted on course.

Entry Fees

Early Bird 

Up to 26th August: $35



27th August – 6th October: $50



7th October – 18th October: $65

The Clyde classic is a Cupless event, there will be no cups available at home base or on course so please bring your own. Very handy reusable collapsible cups are available to purchase when entering and a limited amount will be for sale on race day.